A simple multi-serve pour-over recipe designed for the Hario V60.

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The Process

Bloom (0:00) Pour to 60g
First Pour (0:30) Pour to 380g
Second Pour (1:30) Pour to 520g
Final Pour (2:05) Pour to 600g
Agitation (2:45) Swirl Coffee

The Details

Coffee 33g ~ 35g
Grind Size 18 (Baratza Encore)
Water Temp 208F
Brew Time 3:00 ~ 3:30
Brew Weight ~525g
Ratio 18 / 1

The Finer Details

Grind Size: Not only is 18 on a Baratza Encore the recommended setting for drip, it is (in our opinion) also the best tasting.

Ratio: This recipe mimics well known batch-brew best practices rather than following a traditional pour over technique.

Temperature: Getting the water close to boiling is essential for optimum extraction.

Dosing Range: A ranged dose amount allows for preferential contextualization while ensuring a safe window for a great testing brew.

Pours: Following the timestamp is essential to this recipe. Without accurately timed pours achieving a large quantity of coffee in the 3:00~3:30 time window can be quite challenging.

Swirl: This agitates the coffee and serves as the final step in achieving an optimum extraction.

Taste: When following this recipe you should taste a smooth, robust, crisp cup of coffee regardless of the coffee being brewed.